Your content cannot be used without your permission even if it is not registered or "copyright". Your content cannot be published without your permission and can be removed under DMCA.
If content, like pictures, articles, art, photos are yours and original they are considered protected and even copyrighted. can act on your behalf to get that content taken down for you. To get started submit the form here: Takedown Form
If the lists above does not appear to describe your situation by all means ask. Click here to Ask us about your situation
If a website uses the DMCA they will usually place a reference in the footer of the website. The clickthrough should clearly state the conditions of the DMCA Takedown process. Many websites reference the Takedown Notice form on this website directly. If you are unsure or the website unclear, click here to complete your takedown request: DMCA Takedown Form. Our professional team will connect your takedown request to the right website.'s first recommendation is to contact a lawyer or law firm in the legal jurisdiction of your company or website to determine what is the appropriate legal communication. does not offer any legal advice or specific recommendation regarding any copyright practice. has two programs to help content creators, publishers and UGC platforms:
If you are unsure which program is best for you, please reach out and one of the team can provide support: Help Me Choose the right option.