Protection Pro service comes with a badge tracking feature.
If your badge gets stolen and hosted on another website, tracker will find it and send you an alert.
Here's how it works:
When you register with and place a badge on your website we connect your badge's Unique Identification Number (GUID) to your website and account.
Account>>>Badge>>>Website they must all be together.
As soon as your first website page is indexed with the
Protection Pro tracker service is activated.
24/7 scans the internet for unregistered versions of your Badge ID or code. is constantly indexing and checking your website pages and badge code. You can login and see your protected pages list here:
Toolkit - My Protected Pages Tab During our constant scanning and indexing, if your badge has been added and hosted on a new website and it does not match your account website, we will send you an email alert.
Badge Tracker Alerts
The tracker alert you receive from will contain the URL of the webpage where your badge code was located.
There are two kinds of alerts sent out:
- Free Protection Pro clients only get two (2) alerts per month
- Verified Protection Pro clients receive up to 25 alerts per month per account Upgrade Here to Get Verified