ISP / Hosting Company Identification has the tools and resources to find Internet Service Providers or Hosting companies that have your clients' copyright content. Using the DMCA Takedown Case system you can simply enter the URL of a website with the infringing content and our DMCA professionals can get to work on your behalf.
Once we locate the host we can either proceed with the takedown and/or advise you as to the Takedown particulars regarding the particular host. Most hosting companies are in the database and we have experience conducting the DMCA takedown process with them. It is this experience which is invaluable to you as your client's attorney.
Takedown of Copyright Infringements at Home ‐
At a fraction of your regular costs's core service is takedowns. We know most of the ISPs and content hosting companies across the planet. If you need a copyright violation taken down we have the knowhow, experience and contacts to make it happen.'s takedowns are done professionally and quickly. Often we can succeed where others (lawyers included - sometimes especially because you are a lawyer) have failed. In fact most of our business happens because a client has been unable to get a response from an ISP or web hosting company.
Generally it is assumed that all USA based hosting companies follow the US Copyright Act and the DMCA process as laid out in the act - however this is not the case. We know where the trouble hosts are and what to do to get the content down and how long it will take.
Takedown of Copyright Infringements in Foreign Countries foreign country work represents the bulk of our business. Most of the world's hosting companies are outside the mainland USA and therefore needs a different approach than companies in the USA. Here again it is assumed that Copyright procedures used are relevant to the law of the country the Host is located in. Often this is not the case. has the experience and the contacts to get your clients' content removed. Often we can get this done faster and cheaper than it would cost you to find the ISP, write a letter and courier it to the company which, ironically, in most cases won't result in the removal of the copyright infringed content.
Secure DMCA Takedown Case Management
The DMCA client portal provides a complete case management tool. Whether you have 1 or 1000 copyright takedown cases the takedown portal provides a secure platform from which to manage them. works closely with law firms from many countries. is not a law firm. The talent brings to the table is our ability to communicate and work on the internet to ensure takedowns or other copyright efforts happen. Our experience with OSP's / ISP's means there are not that many we haven't been in contact with - All across the planet.
Online Research to Locate Infringing Websites's team of online experts can assist you or you firm in tracking down websites that contain your client's copyrighted content. This includes text, images, videos and any other piece of copyrighted material.