also offers a Professional Watermarker service as part of the Protection Pro service. This watermarker service is for standard websites requiring content protection
- Once logged in and with your permission, connects to your Facebook account to reference your list of photo albums.
- You choose which albums you want WaterMarked by selecting "WaterMark this Album"
- creates a cloned photo album. Your original photos remain untouched - Your original album remains completely intact.
- You then enter your Copyright/WaterMark text. Generally this is your name, your company or business name or some other differentiating text.
- Click "Submit" and watermarks all the photos within your new Album.
- On the upgraded Protection Pro watermaker version you can upload your logo, choose where your logo appears, select the opacity of your watermark and many other features
- In your facebook setting you now select the photos from your new watermarked folder as the album to share with friends.
- Change the privacy (display) settings of the unwatermaked photo albums so only the groups or "friends" you trust can view them - or so no one can view them or you can delete / download them all together from your facebook account.