1. Are you overwhelmed with emails?
2. Do you or your network staff spend too much time reading DMCA Takedown emails?
3. Are you paying a lawyer to handle your DMCA Takedown request or Copyright Infringement emails?
∗ Are you losing money and NOT making money processing takedowns?
– DMCA.com pays you for every takedown you have to conduct
– You site users get the world's DMCA Takedown experts processing their takedown case.
• Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
• User Generated Content (UGC) websites
• Forums - moderated or un- moderated
• Online Service Providers (OSPs)
• Web Hosting Companies
• Dating Sites
• Webmasters and 3rd party Content Website Owners
• Social Media Websites who Host 3rd Party Content
a.mount the DMCA Takedown Case generator form on your website (either as HTML on your site or use the DMCA.com name page like this Takedown Policy Example Page
b.your site users who require a takedown fill out the takedown form as other users normally do on the DMCA.com site
c.They pay the DMCA.com standard takedown service fee
d.and because you are part of the DMCA.com Takedown Processing program we will pay you $20.00 per paid successful takedown
Its a classic triple win:
your site users win - because the takedown happens quickly and with DMCA.com involved
you win because you get paid for doing non core work
DMCA.com wins because we increase successful takedowns which is our goal and promise to our clients
Operational efficiency - Takedown is our core business whereas takedowns are probably not yours
make money - turning what is an expense today into a money maker
Takedowns is all we do 24 hours a day 7 days a week. To say DMCA.com staff are experts is an understatement. Every part of system our takedown business is 100% geared towards efficient takedowns. The creating of takedowns, the communicating about takedowns with the claimant and the defendant, the case management of takedowns. It's all we do. Our staff are trained constantly on the process of takedowns in jurisdictions all over the world. They work in every timezone on the planet with clients and users from across the globe.
Using the DMCA.com Takedown Processing service will add or enhance the level of professionalism and user satisfaction to the least profitable aspect of your website.
DMCA.com brings peace of mind to the whole process of dealing with takedowns.
– you get to focus on your business or website
– leaving DMCA.com experts to handle your takedown requests
– No more reading abuse@ or DMCA@ emails
– Easy to use Universal Takedown case submit form for your website users
– Unlimited Takedown case capacity - you can use the service whether you process 1 takedown a day or 1,000,000 per day.
As an ISP, or webmaster your core business is NOT handling DMCA Takedown request cases. You have enough on your business plate before investing time, money and personnel to handle DMCA Takedown requests. Especially when all your cases are submitted through abuse@yourhost.com.Email Takedown submissions mean you have to read everyone to determine their validity or accuracy. Of course most of the emails you receive do not follow the Takedown process as stated your policy page.
The DMCA.com Professional Takedown Processing service increases your efficiency it saves you time and money. This service almost eliminates false, invalid or ambiguous DMCA Takedown requests by ensuring users complete the form according to your policy. The service form ensures you are ONLY notified when a valid Takedown application has been made.
Further the DMCA.com Professional Takedown Processing service goes a long way to inform copyright owners and ISP's that you follow an approved process, require certain information upfront and have an accessible DMCA Policy. DMCA.com Professional Takedown Processing service members meet all DMCA.com requirements and take advantage of a DMCA.com Professional Takedown Processing service badge to publicly display their approved status.
Using the DMCA.com Professional Takedown Processing service ensures that:
• Less invalid Takedown requests are filed when the DMCA.com Professional Takedown Processing service badge is displayed.
• Certificate of Policy verification linked to from your DMCA.com Professional Takedown Processing service badge.
• DMCA Takedown notices filed by individuals will have a better chance of adhering to your company's DMCA policy.
• Visitors, clients and designated agents will know your company follows strict rules when handling Takedown requests.